Alabama — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Alaska — *Approval Pending.
Arkansas — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Connecticut — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Delaware — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Florida — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following 5 Sessions are NOT Approved:
**The following courses in the Industry track are approved.
Illinois — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
The following courses must be taken as a pair to receive CE credits
**The following 4 Sessions are NOT Approved:
**The following course in the Industry track is approved.
Indiana — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Kentucky — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following 2 Sessions are NOT Approved:
Louisiana — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Maryland — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following 4 Sessions are NOT Approved:
Massachusetts — *Approval Pending.
Mississippi — *Approval Pending.
Montana — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Nevada — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following Pre-conference session is Approved for 16 CE credits:
New Hampshire — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
New Jersey — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following 5 Sessions are NOT Approved:
New Mexico — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
New York — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following Pre-conference session is Approved for 16 CE credits:
**The following courses in the Industry track are approved.
North Carolina — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following 7 Sessions are NOT Approved:
Ohio — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following courses in the Industry track are approved.
Oklahoma — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Oregon — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Rhode Island — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following 2 Sessions are NOT Approved:
South Dakota — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
The following courses must be taken as a pair to receive CE credits
**The following 4 Sessions are NOT Approved:
Tennessee — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following courses in the Industry track are approved.
**The following Pre-conference session is Approved for 16 CE credits:
Texas — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following Pre-conference session is Approved for 16 CE credits:
Virginia — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Washington — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
**The following courses in the Industry track are approved.
West Virginia — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
Wisconsin — All courses in the Essentials and Advanced tracks are approved.
*ASHI has submitted approvals for CE credits from the licensing bodies in these states. CE approval is ultimately up to the discretion of each individual state.